Welcome to Sex Positive St. Louis (SEX+STL), a community resource for people in the St. Louis metro area.
SEX+STL is a safe environment for sexuality questions or concerns, no matter your gender, race, age or orientation. If we don’t have the answer you need right on hand, we can consult with one of our local advisers specialized in the topic.
Feel free to check our events calendar for a group or topic of interest to you.
As we grow, we continue to build our information library. Any sex question you may have will no doubt be asked later on by someone else, so help us pave the way in being a sex positive resource for everybody!
our mission
Sex Positive St. Louis provides safe spaces for people to discuss and explore their sexuality. We host events that help the local community celebrate the many roles that sexuality plays in our lives.
Everybody deserves fun opportunities for learning, talking, and sharing sexuality.
We connect like-minded communities and offer resources and advice. We emphasize information over tradition, communication over fear, and consent over all.
We stand in political and cultural solidarity with sexual minorities, sex workers and those maligned and/or persecuted for practicing consensual sexual expression between adults.