by Johnny Murdoc Today should prove to be an important step forward for gay rights, as far as gays serving in the military is concerned. Just a short while ago, the U.S. Department of Defense released the findings of their thorough survey regarding the feelings of military personnel toward the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t […]
Category Archives: gay rights
ChoiceArt 2010: Raising Funds for a Good Cause
by Johnny Murdoc SEX+STL’s Friday night shindig isn’t the only fundraiser happening this week. On Saturday, FriendsbyChoice is hosting ChoiceArt 2010, an art auction to benefit Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is an invaluable resource in the St. Louis area. They provide health services and education programs designed to give teens and adults the information they […]
“If you’re not out, you’re hurting us.”
by Johnny Murdoc The word “out,” when applied to a sexual minority, has a lot of implications and, honestly, a lot of layers. One of the most important things that I read years ago was that coming out isn’t just one thing that you do, it’s a series of steps that you will have to […]
Syncing Sexual Identities
by Johnny Murdoc One core problem that we at SEX+STL would like to address is the dissonance between our sex lives and the other factors that make up who we are. It’s no secret that American culture is incredibly uptight when it comes to sex (although not nearly as uptight as some other cultures) and […]
It Gets Better…
by Johnny Murdoc All week long I’ve had these ideas about all of the sexy blog posts that I was going to write for the SEX+STL blog. Now, it’s down to the wire and all I can think about is kind of a bummer topic, but it’s an important one. My buddy Rob Wolfsham, a […]