Capturing Your Sexy Self on Film

Or digitally anyway. “X has tagged you in a photo” – is a Facebook link that I never click. I generally hate pictures of myself – my face always seems to be shiny and I’m convinced that I’m fatter with every picture. The idea of having pictures of myself is great, and it’s fun for […]

Show Me: Erotic St. Louis Anthology

Last night, at the incredibly successful Sex Positive St. Louis Out Loud (if you weren’t there, you should feel bad), SEX+STL announced our new project, Show Me: an erotic anthology of stories set in St. Louis. We’re looking for prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and photography. Check out our submissions call: DO YOU HAVE SAINT LOUIS […]

City Jerks

One of the tiny—but beloved—joys that I have is experiencing a discussion about sex or sexuality in media that I wasn’t expecting, especially when it’s nuanced. Sunday night, my roommate and I decided to start watching Louie, Louis C.K.’s current sitcom, while we ate dinner. After a reasonably funny first episode, we decided to start […]

Thursday Music Video: Ani DiFranco, In or Out

-by Johnny Murdoc This song was a hugely reinforcing when I was in high school, not just when I was a little gay boy pretending I was bi, but when I came around to being cool with actually being homo. This song has such a wonderfully playful—but honest—attitude to it that I found really empowering: […]

Don’t Be It, Dream It

Natty Soltesz is one of the most prolific gay erotica writers that I know. His work has been included in several anthologies (many of which include the word “best” in the title) and he’s contributed dozens of stories to the Nifty Erotic Archives, where I first came across his work (pun possibly intended.) I’ve had […]

The Randy Dandies find the Pearl: an interview with Mimi Le Yu

When I found out that Mimi Le Yu, one of my favorite burlesque performers, was fronting a new troupe called the Randy Dandies, I couldn’t keep away from their show Melons and Meat Sticks: a Dandy Backyard Burly-Q.  It was one of the best shows I’ve every seen. The storyline was entertaining and better developed than […]


True Confession time:  I read Cosmo sex advice for years.  As my interest in women grew, and it was clear that Cosmo didn’t have any sex advice for queer girls (no kidding!), I stopped actually buying the dreck 9 or  10 years ago. Still, Ive been a faithful grocery-line reader until recently. Stopping even my […]

Meet Bella Bazooka Aug 24

Bella Bazooka is coming to town. Details are here. I invited her to be the guest of honor at a SEX+STL Happy Hour. We’ve been friends for the past five years, accomplishing great things in our respective towns. She is the Owner and Editor of Bazooka, a monthly alternative weekly publication that shakes the southern […]

Lauren Rosewarne Discusses “Part-Time Perverts” Aug 18

Our friends at Subterranean Books are hosting Dr. Lauren Rosewarne on her cross country book tour. A Lecturer with the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Melbourne and author of Part-Time Perverts: Sex, Pop Culture, & Kink Management, we’re excited to welcome Lauren and give her a warm Midwestern welcome! Kendra […]

Nobody does it like Roseanne

At the Black and White party last week, I briefly mentioned Roseanne to David Wraith, as part of a conversation about Sandra Bernhardt. Wraith noted that he never really got into Roseanne. While I’m certain there are thousands of people out there like Wraith, I’m just as certain that there are thousands of people out […]

Intention, Attention and Awareness: Figuring out Consent, pt. 2

Because you, and the world, deserve our full presence, our full attention, our full passion, and our fully engaged awareness. ~Lee Harrington The much-delayed part 2 to my first Figuring out Consent post! I’m so excited about the July 16th Slutwalk in St. Louis. I won’t get to be there myself, but it has me […]

Join a kiss-in tomorrow at LUSH to support gay marriage!

I tend to have mixed feelings about corporate-led protests, but I’m pretty fond of LUSH, a bath and beauty products company that aims to eliminate waste in their products, and makes everything with vegetarian ingredients. For full disclosure, we (meaning several of SEX+STL’s co-founders) have a friend who works at LUSH as well (although, to […]