Or digitally anyway.
“X has tagged you in a photo” – is a Facebook link that I never click. I generally hate pictures of myself – my face always seems to be shiny and I’m convinced that I’m fatter with every picture. The idea of having pictures of myself is great, and it’s fun for me to pose for and take photos with friends.
Of course all of this conflicted nervousness is compounded when the clothes come off. It’s fun and playful to take sexy pictures of and with friends, but looking at them afterwards . . . . not so much.
Erotic or nude photography is a great tool for improving body image, developing creativity and connecting with partners – but how can we go about it and feel good about the results? And without Photoshop (I’d like to keep my butthole, thankyouverymuch)?
Last November, Jenny, a local photographer taught a workshop on how to take erotic photos and video. We gathered at the LGBT Center and got some great ideas.
Check them out in Jenny’s super-helpful hand out here.
The next Coffee Talk will take a similar approach – Johnny Murdoc will be leading a workshop on erotic writing. Join us at the LGBT Center on Manchester for How to Write a True Porn Story. Check out the calendar for details.
*Do you do creative work with erotic themes? Think about submitting to the official SEX+STL erotic anthology Show Me.
[Photo credit: Laurent Benaim found here]