HypnoGasm: Trisha’s Story

Ed Note: On Monday we interviewed Eric Kendall, hypnotist. On Wednesday we featured Robin’s story. Today is Trisha’s turn! When I first asked Trisha to share her HypnoGasm story, she asked for it to be posted anonymously, which I was happy to do. But a few minutes later, she emailed me again, declaring, “on second […]

HypnoGasm: R’s Story

Ed Note: On Monday we interviewed Eric Kendall, a sex hypnotist. SEX+STL volunteer R shares her very personal experience. I’ve always been interested in hypnosis and I’m also interested in sex, so when I saw that Shameless Grounds was hosting something called “HypnoGasm”, I knew I had to convince my boyfriend it was the perfect […]

On Polyamory: Ashley’s Take

Two weeks ago, I posted an essay called On Polyamory from my friend, Christina, and I promised to share with you two more essays: one by Christina’s husband and one by his girlfriend, Ashley. I meant for this to be a weekly series, but prepping for Christmas last week sucked up so much time that […]

Naked Bodies

By Ginger Bangalore Editor’s Note: I don’t impress easily (in fact, I’m an opinionated prick) so when I like something, it’s worth mentioning. This an abridged version of a post on my new favorite local blog, The Rambling Method by Ginger Bangalore. Ginger is a blogger, burlesque performer with the Thunder Kittens, and a burgeoning sex posivite […]

The 35-Year-Old Virgin

by David Wraith My friend “Lisette” (not her real name) has a beautiful face, a gorgeous head of hair and (although she’s loathe to admit it) a pretty kick-ass body. She’s smart, well read, witty and charming. I’ve been trying to get in her pants for over twenty years, to no avail. I am comforted, […]

Do All Real Women Have Curves?

by David Wraith I was trolling for naked pictures of my friends on FetLife, like I do, when I stumbled upon the picture to the right and the controversy it was causing. Lots of people were co-signing and amenning the sentiment, but a few people were expressing their displeasure with it. At some point in […]


True Confession time:  I read Cosmo sex advice for years.  As my interest in women grew, and it was clear that Cosmo didn’t have any sex advice for queer girls (no kidding!), I stopped actually buying the dreck 9 or  10 years ago. Still, Ive been a faithful grocery-line reader until recently. Stopping even my […]

Meet Bella Bazooka Aug 24

Bella Bazooka is coming to town. Details are here. I invited her to be the guest of honor at a SEX+STL Happy Hour. We’ve been friends for the past five years, accomplishing great things in our respective towns. She is the Owner and Editor of Bazooka, a monthly alternative weekly publication that shakes the southern […]

Go Topless Day August 21

My friend posted this status on facebook today: “pet peeve: when parents force their toddler daughters to wear a bikini top at the beach. Its the last time she’s not breaking any laws. Let her be.” One of MY big pet peeves is the fact that men are allowed to go topless in St. Louis, […]

After SlutWalk

by David Wraith A couple days before SlutWalk, my friend and SEX+STL co-founder, Kendra Holliday expressed concern that participants would need aftercare following such an intense experience. Intellectually, I knew exactly want she meant, but I have to admit that on a gut level, I just didn’t get it. Maybe it’s because I’m a man. […]

SlutWalk St. Louis Wiped Me Out!

I wasn’t expecting to sob. I mean, I knew SlutWalk St. Louis would be an emotional and empowering day, but I had no idea how it would play out for me and the 600 others who attended. The march kicked off at noon, and traveled down Manchester Road. The Riverfront Times captured it beautifully, take […]

SlutWalk St. Louis July 16

The SlutWalk movement started this April in Toronto, when a cop said: “women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized.” In response, more than 3000 people took to the streets to demonstrate that being assaulted isn’t about what you wear. Thousands more have followed suit around the world. A tiny negative […]