Most of Saint Louis is covered in what looks to be snow but is actually tiny ice pellets, with the weathermen promising vast amounts of snow later. All around the STL-based blogosphere, people are writing, Facebooking, and Tweeting about the oncoming Snowpocalypse (also: Snowmageddon, Icepocalypse, or—as the National Weather Center is warning—Blizzard) and SEX+STL is no different! As Ian Froeb of the RFT noted, there’s been significant impact on local grocery stores the past few days as people stocked up on necessary items like food, drink, and condoms:
I hope this means everyone is having tons of great sex while they’re trapped at home. For the record, sex is a fantastic way to spend your time, a good way to get exercise while you’re stuck at home, and a great way to stay warm. Really, sex is a win/win situation in this kind of weather (unless you’re home by yourself, in which case it’s just a win. If you’re iced in with all of your poly partners, it’s win/win/win/etc…)
My partner and I are threatening to walk to the park later, once the snow has started, because walking a block in a blizzard to play in the park sounds like a good idea. For the most part, we’ve spent the day cuddling on the couch, watching movies. Every fifteen minutes or so, one of us looks out the window to see if the ice is still coming down, and yes, yes it is.
As all of Saint Louis battens down the hatches, I’m going to try something a little different on the blog today. Namely, it’s your turn to amuse me, the rest of SEX+STL, and the readers of our fine blog. Did you stock up on condoms? How about batteries for your favorite toys? Planning on building some naughty snowmen or making some filthy snow angels? Tell us your sexy plans for staying aroused during Snowpocalypse 2011 in the comments!
I’m SO glad my man prepared ahead for this storm be getting a vasectomy! Total Eagle Scout.
I’ve done the naked snow angel thing before. And slid down a snow covered slide wearing nothing but a silly hat.
Today I’m writing posts – porn reviews, toy reviews, an interview with an asexual person, and of course masturbating in between. Hitachi Wand warms me right up, and if I lose power, I’ve got my Pirate vibrator. And about 30 other toys for backup.
Armchair Philosopher works nights at a posh hotel here in Central West End. Yesterday, he told me it’d make him feel much better if I were to get iced in with him, so we don’t have to be separated by the weather. And what a lovely room we have, too, all for free!
I’m torn between unleashing a screaming orgasm upon the fine patrons of this establishment or biting a pillow. On the one hand, I could give him a very good reputation among his coworkers here. On the other, it might not be too healthy for his long-term employment. Also, I’m on my period, and these stark-white towels are making me nervous. Maybe we should take a field trip to the shower. 😉
(Armchair Philosopher AKA Bencakes!)
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YES we did brave the roads to get condoms! We also giggled because at our location deep in the City, the Magnums for the large male are kept under lock and key, while the regular sized condoms are displayed in the open. Do big boys steal more than average sized men? What’s the deal with that?