Two weeks ago, I posted an essay called On Polyamory from my friend, Christina, and I promised to share with you two more essays: one by Christina’s husband and one by his girlfriend, Ashley. I meant for this to be a weekly series, but prepping for Christmas last week sucked up so much time that […]
Tag Archives: essay
On Polyamory: A Guest Post
Recently, a friend of a friend wrote a blog post called “Adventures in Polyamory,” about his relationship with our mutual friend, Christina. On the way to her house I asked her where her husband was that night. “At home” came the thoughtless reply. Oh fuck. And like that we were walking into her house. Within […]
Finding Peace at The Facility
by Johnny Murdoc In lieu of a blog post today, I’m going to direct you to an essay of mine that was published this week. It’s my account of SEX+STL’s first fundraiser, and I think it’s relevant to share here for a handful of reasons. The most important is that we have another fundraiser coming […]