By Kendra Holliday
We had our first SEX+STL happy hour at Foam coffee shop Thursday night and I’m thrilled to let you know it was a huge success!
Billed as a great way to meet like-minded people, thanks to the fine folks of St. Louis, the event lived up to that promise. It was amazing watching the energy in the room build as 60 sex-positive people filled the room, all speaking honestly and earnestly, faces shining and minds open. It got warm in there!
Speaking of warm fuzzies, I had the pleasure of meeting several new friends who read last month’s RFT article about me and were there to offer support and encouragement. I was glad to hear what parts of my story touched them the most, and I’d say it is all the details that link us together.
I’ve had many people tell me the parallels between my life experiences and theirs are uncanny, from the fetishes to the dysfunctional family failures. “Thank you for putting a face to the things that most people don’t want to talk about,” they tell me. It is my pain and pleasure to do so. The truth shall set us free.
Thank you to Foam for hosting it and to EdenFantasys for the door prizes – three lucky attendees walked away with great prizes for girls and boys, including the Kissa, an EdenFantasys exclusive glass vibrator.
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