Last week I got to model nude in front of 100 people for the “7 Sexy Sins” fundraiser.
Most of the people there were in awe and said they could never do something like that, but a few were jealous and wanted to be naked, too.
Well, we have an event for you.
Sex Positive St. Louis is proud to host St. Louis’ first ever clothing optional tweetup!
Here are the details:
Tuesday, April 5
Location is a private residence in South City area. Please RSVP to love @ thebeautifulkind .com for address.
40 people can attend this event (don’t worry, we’ll have more events like this!) We’re going to try and keep it balanced, so we might create a waiting list if it gender ratio gets skewed.
No touching. This is a social mixer, not a play party.
No cameras. We want people to feel safe and comfortable.
Wear something you can easily remove, should you desire. Accessories welcome! Hats, cape, leggings, henna, etc. I’m planning my costume – definitely rockin’ the cape!
Bring a towel for sitting.
Bring something to drink or eat if you like.
For those with allergy concerns, there will be no pets on premise.
Be bare or be square!
I would love to attend this event as I love being naked but my Goddess has choir practice on Tuesdays. I’ll be sure to catch a future one. Thanks for having these!
I will be there costumed to be undressed.
I’m looking forward to this. Being naked just seems like the natural thing to do.
If it wasn’t my on-call week I would totally be there, just to meet you all clothes or no. Since it’d be a waste of a perfectly good meetup to be there working, I’ll just stay home. Naked.
Sounds like a grand idea. I’m busy that night or I’d RSVP for sure. Have fun, be safe all!
Last night’s event was a delight. The people I saw there were comfortable, relaxed, and smiling! It was as if they were thinking, \At last I don’t have to worry whether I’m wearing the right thing!\ Or whether it fits \right.\ The gender balance was good too, I thought.
This was a great start in a new direction for Sex Positive StL! May it be the first of many!
And special props to David, for taking on the role of the White Knight to a damsel in distress (and in a stalled car, en route to the event). Well done, Sir David!! Three cheers for Sir David!! 😀