A dozen women attended Sex Positive St. Louis’ FIRST EVER Pussy Party, and it’s clear we need to host more parties like this!!!
Every woman brought something different to the table. I, for one, brought mini-donuts, because they look like powdered-sugar cervixes, and we were going to see some awesome cervix action that night!
We were equipped with plastic speculums (I couldn’t track down my mom’s steel collection đ ), a camera, henna dye, PLUS everyone brought lots of sex toys for show-and-tell.
I was AMAZED to discover that each women had their own fascinating story and pussy to share!
I got to show off my pussy (me = exhibitionist!), which is a whore pussy that has enjoyed hundreds of partners, fisting, many toys, and has even given birth! (that wasn’t so enjoyable).
We got to look at each other, and even explore each other, with gloves.
We had other women there who have given birth two or three times. They felt quite the same as the women who have not had kids.
We had women with disabilities.
Most of the women had clits the size of a pea, but one woman had one the size of a small mushroom cap. When she pulled back her clitoral hood to reveal it, the audience was absolutely delighted and awed!
One woman had a calico pussy – discoloration on the labia, so that one side was tan, the other side white, and the center pink.
A woman in her 60’s warned us that her pussy had greyed over time – not just the hair, but the labia, but when we saw it, it was as pink and vibrant as the rest of them.
We had one woman in her early 20’s who was brand new to our group, this being her second event ever. She was so brave to jump in like this!
There was an African-American woman with a very dark complexion.
One woman had pelvic muscle issues, but when I felt inside her, her vagina felt like a very warm, muscular tube. She was easily able to bear down and clench my fingers.
There was a woman interested in studying tantra.
There were a couple lesbians and maybe a couple heterosexual women, but for the most part we were a bevy of bisexuals.
There was a woman who had asymmetry – one pussy lip was longer than the other, and she let us all gently pull on it. She also let us feel the strings of her IUD that were hanging out of her cervix hole into her vagina.
One woman expressed her penchant for large dicks, and when pressed for details, allowed that she preferred longer over a thick girth.
We had a woman with a vertical barbell hood piercing
Some women looked liked flowers. Some looked like clams. One sported a full bush. Some were shaved, most were trimmed. As each woman revealed themselves, it was like opening a new present under the Christmas tree.
Friends stuck their fingers inside my pussy, and I got to do the same. Two of us showed off our cervixes via speculum and I had my first ever cervix photograph taken! Supposedly, my cervix is large, and has a triangular os (the hole at the center that is often a round or slit shape; it allows sperm in and menstrual blood out). Speaking of, one woman was menstruating, so she kept her pants on. A couple women kept their pants on actually, and that was totally okay.
I got to feel my friend’s fibroid tumor.
We even had a woman with two vaginas! They led to two uterus and four ovaries. The condition is called uterus didelphys and occurs in 1 in 100,000 women! How special of her to share her story with us. Sometimes both her uteri menstruate at the same time, and the blood flow is intense. She was able to get pregnant once, but ended up losing the baby. She told us she can handle small to average size penises, but large penises are too painful to enjoy.
We got to show off our favorite books and toys. We discussed safer sex. We drew henna on each other. We drank, laughed, probed, walked around in robes or naked.
Someone remarked, “All 16 year old girls should be able to attend a party like this. It would save them so much grief later on!”
The woman with the awesome luscious big clit emailed me the next day, saying:
“It was fun, earthy, and sweet. You presented your story and your body with joy and pride. What a gift!
It’s easy for us all to feel we are alone when we think about the complexities and the gray areas of our sexual lives. I guess in the past my vagina has been a secret that my doctors/partners have shared with my lower body, while my eyes and brain were kept in the dark. When we are disconnected from our own bodies, it’s easy to fall back on judgmental thoughts and negative messages that we have internalized.
Connecting in the way we did last night was an antidote to those judgments. We are all normal! I felt the same joy that a grade school boy must feel when he sees other boys’ penises and realizes where he fits in the big picture of manhood.
I’ve been a little ashamed of my big clit in the past, and now, I have this excellent memory of the group cheering, ‘Wooo! ‘It’s excellent!”
This is amazing. I’m so glad you guys did this.
Wish I had gone! Is this going to happen again?