Hi! It’s me, Anna, 29, bisexual and mostly polyamorous. College years in Memphis were spent escorting at Planned Parenthood, working on various projects with the Womens Action Coalition, the university’s LGBT group and, later, anti-war activism. When grad school took over my life, I started keeping things fun with community gardening , beer brewing (read: drinking), and those stuffy academic (read:drunken ) conversations about sex that Johnny Murdoc mentioned. This is the first explicitly sex-positive endeavor I’ve ever engaged in, so it’s especially great to be working with people who have been living in St. Louis and keeping it sexy for a while now.
Having grown up in a super-conservative environment, there was little access to practical, evidence-based information about sexuality for me. Coming of age during the Bush administration, even the more ‘progressive’ information was laced with fear. While I was skeptical of the fear-mongering out there, there just weren’t too many other models for thinking about sexuality available to me, so I held off doing many of the things that I wanted to do. Needless to say, I’m now really grateful for the exposure that I’ve had over the last several years to sex advice that has a ‘let’s figure out how to do this safely’ attitude rather than a ‘you’d better not’ attitude.
Unfortunately, this kind of access isn’t available to everybody. Because of this, I want to live in a city where it’s easy to know where to get tested, how to get cheap birth control, and where to find community with those whose crank turns in a similar direction as mine. I also want places to learn new things, to watch movies and talk about books that deal with the politics, art and pleasure of us humans as sexual beings. Sex Positive St. Louis is all about making that happen, and more. Together we can have fun, be safe and celebrate who we are!
~ Anna