Male Etiquette Class Sept 22

The other day I had a guy write to me: I am wondering if you might be able to provide some advice on how to interact with women better. I realize I am not very good at starting or maintaining conversations, recognizing when a woman is flirting with me, or flirting with a woman. I […]

Do All Real Women Have Curves?

by David Wraith I was trolling for naked pictures of my friends on FetLife, like I do, when I stumbled upon the picture to the right and the controversy it was causing. Lots of people were co-signing and amenning the sentiment, but a few people were expressing their displeasure with it. At some point in […]

The Anti-Pickup Artist

by David Wraith I used to jokingly refer to myself as an “anti-pickup artist.” In my 20s this was meant to symbolize my abject failure with women. I made a fool out of myself chasing women who had no interest in me (to stalkerish proportions), I was clueless about how to flirt and oblivious to […]

After SlutWalk

by David Wraith A couple days before SlutWalk, my friend and SEX+STL co-founder, Kendra Holliday expressed concern that participants would need aftercare following such an intense experience. Intellectually, I knew exactly want she meant, but I have to admit that on a gut level, I just didn’t get it. Maybe it’s because I’m a man. […]

SlutWalk St. Louis Wiped Me Out!

I wasn’t expecting to sob. I mean, I knew SlutWalk St. Louis would be an emotional and empowering day, but I had no idea how it would play out for me and the 600 others who attended. The march kicked off at noon, and traveled down Manchester Road. The Riverfront Times captured it beautifully, take […]

Manning Up with Christopher Sean Watson

by David Wraith “Men continue to control the narrative and experiences of women, which leads to violence being an acceptable form of control.” If there’s a man I know with feminist street-cred, it’s Christopher Sean Watson. When I met him, he was a field organizer for Amnesty International, but check out his CV: He was […]

The Black and Lou Pride Ball

This Friday, June 10th, is the first ever Black and Lou Pride Ball. Our good friend DJ Kaiser is on the event committee and he gave us the low down. Be on the lookout this Thursday for my full length interview with DJ, the current Mr. Missouri Leather, on his impressive 9th place finish at […]

World Naked Bike Ride 2011 is Coming to St. Louis!

by David Wraith Some people love to ride their bicycles. Some people (like me) just love being naked. Every year since 2008, for one glorious summer night, cycling enthusiasts, enthusiastic nudists and everyone in between have come together for the World Naked Bike Ride St. Louis. If you live in St. Louis and riding a […]

Susie Bright: St. Louis, I Do Mind Dying

by Susie Bright Ed Note: This is an excerpt from a blog post that appeared on, August 21st, 2005. Republished with permission. You may remember last year, I wrote about visiting  St. Louis for a Romance Novel convention. I talked about the Romancers, but not about the city of St. Louis, which was actually the more […]

I’m in Love with Susie Bright

by David Wraith I have a confession to make. I’m in love with Susie Bright. It’s cool, my girlfriend already knows. My love affair with Susie has gone on for almost twenty years and Susie has been vaguely aware of it herself for at least the last seven. I’m not sure who introduced me to her, […]

Susie Bright is Coming to St. Louis

Author, educator and sex positive pioneer, Susie Bright will be in St. Louis on April 17th & 18th. For those of you who don’t know, Susie Bright has been writing about sex, alternative lifestyles, BDSM, porn and polyamory  for more than two decades. She was the founding editor of the On Our Backs, the first lesbian sex […]