by David Wraith
SlutWalk 2012 was amazing. There are so many people to thank.
Our Co-Sponsors:
First, to Chip Schloss, Jim Kellogg and everyone at the Atomic Cowboy: Everything we asked for, we got, quickly and courteously. We couldn’t ask for a more supportive venue. Thank you so much!
To TransHaven: Claire Swinford, your presentation was funny, informative and unexpected. Robyn Montague, you were with us in spirit and you and yours are in our thoughts.
To Michelle Mynx of the Michelle Mynx Academy of Pole Dance: To those who have an issue with a pole dancing show following SlutWalk, I say whether you’re school teacher, a prostitute or a pole dancer, if you want to end sexual violence, you have a right to be part of SlutWalk. Thanks Michelle, Ginger Bangalore, Foxy La Feelion, Greta Garter , Mimi Le Mu, Ricky Phoenix, Swifty Deeds , Allura Fette, Ami Amore, Sunny Daze, Moxie Mal Icious, Ambi Sextrous, Sweetie Swisher, Ginger Fizz, Nicole the Pole Princess, Julia Loveless and Hawk Hammer.
To our speakers:
Our opening speaker, Christina Meneses of the YCWA Sexual Assault Center
Our closing speaker, Don Conway Long of RAVEN: Rape and Violence End Now
To our panelists:
Cindy Mallot of SART: Sexual Assault Response Team
Joe Eulberg of RAVEN
Lauren Keefer of Safe Connections
Amy Luechtefeld of Spectrum Psychotherapy
Artecia Williams of Call for Help Inc.
Thank you all for sharing your wisdom, your experience and your words. We learned a lot from you. And, more importantly, thank you for everything you do on the 364 days of the year that are not SlutWalk.
To Allan Crain who shot the photo that went around the world, the SlutWalk St. Louis 2012 poster, and to all the models that graced it, Emily Kothe, Siren, Blue, Tim Lumpkins and Courtney Armstead, thank you.
To all our volunteers, to everyone who attended or helped us spread the word, thank you.
Tim Lumpkins – Polesque Burlesque Show
Jane Bush – Polesque Burlesque Show
Ricky Sherman – Polesque Burlesque Show

Such a terrific lineup of people in the workshops and the evening entertainment. I learned a lot about community resources.
I loved every hot minute of it. SEX+ STL is such an amazing inclusive organization…I am happy to promote you to everyone I know.