Continuing the discussion started by Kate Lovelady’s “In Defense of Smut,” join The Ethical Society of St. Louis and Sex Positive St. Louis in a discourse about the role smut plays in our lives. How do you use smut? Do you feel guilt about your interaction with smut? Is it possible to integrate smut into a loving relationship? How has smut informed your sexual practices and understanding of human sexuality? What is ethical pornography, and how do you find it? Discuss these issues and more with Kate Lovelady and the founders of SEX+STL.
The discussion will be held at The Ethical Society of St. Louis at 9001 Clayton Rd., on November 17th from 11:00am to 1:00pm.
Check out a recording of Lovelady’s “In Defense of Smut” talk here (via The Ethical Society of St. Louis), and read SEX+STL’s interview with her here!