“I’m always strangely delighted by clever book designs that involve the vulva,” says the gay male book designer. There’s something, er, ripe about the vulva that makes clever interpretations so damned engaging. The same simply cannot be said for graphic interpretations of the penis. Aside from Andy Warhol’s Velvet Underground album cover (see the bottom […]
Tag Archives: vulva
Pussy Party Recap!
A dozen women attended Sex Positive St. Louis’ FIRST EVER Pussy Party, and it’s clear we need to host more parties like this!!! Every woman brought something different to the table. I, for one, brought mini-donuts, because they look like powdered-sugar cervixes, and we were going to see some awesome cervix action that night! We […]
Pussy Party April 10!
Attention women: Do you love your genitals? Were you taught that private parts were dirty? Have you ever seen a cervix? Do you know where the g-spot is? Would you like to see a variety of women up close and personal? This is the “Show-Me” State, after all. Come share your vulva/yoni/pussy/cunt/vagina in a safe […]