The promo videos and other buzz have had me excited about this Saturday’s Savage Tarot II event. Besides the fact that the generous artists are donating 20% of sales to SEX+STL, the images are just fucking stunning. The Savage Tarot is a full, 78 card tarot deck that Michelle originally created as a limited edition […]
Tag Archives: event
Blowjob Demo Recap!
The other night Sex Positive St. Louis hosted a blowjob demo. I’ve always wanted to give a demo using a real, live man, instead of a dildo or other prop. The first challenge was finding the right guy for the demo. He had to be someone I liked and trusted, attractive, average-sized, good at receiving […]
Imagining the Worst
SEX+STL Parenting Discussion – Sunday, May 20th, 3-4:30 at the LGBT Center (map) This post is on a parent’s concern about sexual abuse, but the discussion is about raising sex-positive kids in general. I remember playing at the Kings’ apartment. We were romping around – I, my friend Aaron and his older brother Kimani – […]
Ending Sexual Assault St. Louis
One of the webmistresses of this tumblr tipped me off to it at a party a few weeks ago. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and over at SEX+STL, this is when we’ve begun to gear up for SlutWalk. Didn’t make it to the SlutWalk summit? Like us on Facebook to stay updated and offer […]
In Defense of Smut: Kate Lovelady on Ethics and Sexuality
Some people think that sex positivity is just a fancy term for an ‘anything goes’ sexual ethic — that people who describe themselves as sex positive don’t care about ethics at all. That’s of course, not true. But sometimes it’s easy to shy away from paying attention to ethics and sex, because traditionally that has […]
More Info About the Queen of Hearts Ball Fundraiser Feb 25
Hey all you sexy people! Johnny Murdoc posted this notice about our upcoming Queen of Hearts Ball fundraiser Feb 25, and I’ve had a lot of people contacting me, asking for more information. I made this little video talking more about the event and why we’re doing it. Here is the summary, in case you […]
Capturing Your Sexy Self on Film
Or digitally anyway. “X has tagged you in a photo” – is a Facebook link that I never click. I generally hate pictures of myself – my face always seems to be shiny and I’m convinced that I’m fatter with every picture. The idea of having pictures of myself is great, and it’s fun for […]
Happy Holidays! Love, Buck
Recently I was at Handlebar on Manchester, talking with somebody about drag shows and she mentioned that she wished that she could see an all-king show here in St. Louis. I looked at her, shocked. “What about Monday nights next door?”, I blurted, referring to Novak’s weekly king shows. She hadn’t heard of St. Louis’ […]
You Would Even Say It Glows
“If you have a problem with nudity, you have a problem with humanity.” – Amanda Azim Drew Digital has been putting on Glow events all over town. Here are pics from the first Glow event. These parties primarily feature DJs and bodypainting. You can’t very well paint a body when it’s covered in clothes now, […]
SEX+STL Out Loud: Author, Marie Haynes
by David Wraith Some say the first rule of writing is “write what you know.” If this is true, then it’s safe to assume that St. Louis area author, Marie Haynes, knows sex, sadomasochism and… food. Her novel, Tasting Pleasure, is the tale of an American expatriate trying to launch a catering company in Great Britain. […]
The Randy Dandies find the Pearl: an interview with Mimi Le Yu
When I found out that Mimi Le Yu, one of my favorite burlesque performers, was fronting a new troupe called the Randy Dandies, I couldn’t keep away from their show Melons and Meat Sticks: a Dandy Backyard Burly-Q. It was one of the best shows I’ve every seen. The storyline was entertaining and better developed than […]
Ethical Monogamy
by Anna This past Sunday’s Coffee Talk on monogamy was exciting for me not only because it was the first one that I have been able to attend, but also because it covered a topic that has been on my mind for the past couple of years. Most of my romantic relationships could be described […]