The other day we got this message from someone:
“I was just curious if there was anywhere (clubs, private parties, etc.), in which people are there to just enjoy sex. Perhaps orgy style, but more clean and fun. Please email any ideas you may have. Thanks!!”
but when we wrote back, the email address was no longer active and it bounced. So, in case anyone else is wondering about this kind of thing, and because we don’t want the time spent offering the advice to go to waste, here you go:
Thanks for contacting us!
Yes there are options, but most of them are best suited for couples – there are too many single men interested in this type of thing, and not enough single women. I hope this changes as more women take charge of their sexuality!
Try PT’s Centreville. They have play parties every Sat night. Also Hustler Club has Taboo nights on Thur (you should double check, been a while since I’ve gone)
I host play parties just had one the other night, not sure when the next one will be. I suggest you follow me on twitter to keep up with updates. And keep tabs on SEX+STL too, we have some fun events
Kendra, SEX+STL