by David Wraith So, how was your month? Mine was interesting. Welcome to the fourth and final post in The Dick Chronicles. Although, SEX+STL co-founder, Anna Bent did suggest making The Dick Chronicles an annual event where I write about my dick exclusively every October. Call it, “Dicktober!” Before I go any further, I […]
Author Archives: David Wraith
The Dick Chronicles: Stupid Dick Tricks
The stapler will make sense later, trust me. by David Wraith I remember the first really dumb thing I ever did with my dick. It had nothing to do with a woman I was sticking it in. It was at a meeting of an organization called PEP (People Exchanging Power) in the upper floor of […]
The Dick Chronicles: Projectile Dysfunction
by David Wraith Funny story: So, I’m on a first date with this girl I’d been crushing on for months. We go back to my place and after a lot of foreplay, I had what I thought was a reliable erection. Literally, the moment I put it in, it went limp. I didn’t get off […]
The Dick Chronicles: Size Matters
by David Wraith I read an article in a magazine a few years ago asserting that, in the single’s scene, a person’s worth is often reduced to two arbitrary numbers. For women, it’s their age and their weight. For men, it’s their annual income and penis size. Each number is often lied about, but […]
Coming Soon! The Dick Chronicles
And, to get you in the mood for next week, check out this video by Mickey Avalon and the Dyslexic Speed-Readers:
Do All Real Women Have Curves?
by David Wraith I was trolling for naked pictures of my friends on FetLife, like I do, when I stumbled upon the picture to the right and the controversy it was causing. Lots of people were co-signing and amenning the sentiment, but a few people were expressing their displeasure with it. At some point in […]
The Anti-Pickup Artist
by David Wraith I used to jokingly refer to myself as an “anti-pickup artist.” In my 20s this was meant to symbolize my abject failure with women. I made a fool out of myself chasing women who had no interest in me (to stalkerish proportions), I was clueless about how to flirt and oblivious to […]
After SlutWalk
by David Wraith A couple days before SlutWalk, my friend and SEX+STL co-founder, Kendra Holliday expressed concern that participants would need aftercare following such an intense experience. Intellectually, I knew exactly want she meant, but I have to admit that on a gut level, I just didn’t get it. Maybe it’s because I’m a man. […]
Manning Up with Christopher Sean Watson
by David Wraith “Men continue to control the narrative and experiences of women, which leads to violence being an acceptable form of control.” If there’s a man I know with feminist street-cred, it’s Christopher Sean Watson. When I met him, he was a field organizer for Amnesty International, but check out his CV: He was […]
Clothing Optional Tweet Up – July 31st
The next Clothing Optional Tweet Up will be Sunday, July 31st from 3pm – 8pm. This one will be a pool party on a secluded property in Northern Florissant. This is a private event with a screened guest list and a limited number of people. People we know and or who have attended past SEX+STL […]
Stefon Beckons You to Black and White, June 29th
“Black and White: Indifference amongst Difference” looks to be an awesome party. But don’t just take our word for it, listen to this message from our city correspondent, Stefon: Black + White (mp3)
How to Meet the Domme of Your Dreams: Part 3
by Mistress Simone Editor’s Note: This is part 3 of a 3 part series. Part 2 can be read here. Top Ten Submissives to Not Be: 1. Micro Manage Me: This sub wants a dominant to control every aspect of their life so they can relinquish responsibility for all. Calling me every five minutes asking […]