If you’re on any sort of social network, chances are pretty good that you’ve come across the following image, or one like it: If you’re like me, the first time you saw it, the first thing you thought was “Damn straight!” This has been the most prominent reaction that I’ve seen in the numerous comment […]
Tag Archives: body image
Capturing Your Sexy Self on Film
Or digitally anyway. “X has tagged you in a photo” – is a Facebook link that I never click. I generally hate pictures of myself – my face always seems to be shiny and I’m convinced that I’m fatter with every picture. The idea of having pictures of myself is great, and it’s fun for […]
Clothing Optional Meet Up – Fleshtivus Dec 13!
So these clothing optional parties we’ve been hosting have turned into one of our most popular events! They each have a fun theme, and so far, have been in a different location every time. Our next one is scheduled for December 13 6:30-9:30pm, at a private residence in South City. The theme is FLESHTIVUS! The […]
Clothing Optional Tweet Up – July 31st
The next Clothing Optional Tweet Up will be Sunday, July 31st from 3pm – 8pm. This one will be a pool party on a secluded property in Northern Florissant. This is a private event with a screened guest list and a limited number of people. People we know and or who have attended past SEX+STL […]
Body Image Talk May 15
Do you ever think badly about your body? We ALL do, men and women alike, and we want to talk about that! Charlotte Times will lead a body image talk this Sunday, May 15 3pm at Shameless Grounds. Behold before and after pictures of Ms. Charlotte: An excerpt from her wildly entertaining blog, The Life […]
Body Positive for the New Year
by David Wraith I need to get back in shape. I’m so out of shape that I almost take pride in saying that I need to get back in shape, because the strategic use of the word “back” presupposes that I actually was in shape at one point in my life, while remaining suitably vague […]
Where’s My Prostate? Or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Flood
by Anna One of the subjects that has been floating in the background of my sexual conciousness is female ejaculation. I started ejaculating about four years ago, and it’s been puzzling and a little frustrating that I have so little control over when and how much I squirt. Bringing this to the fore was a […]
Fat Phobia – Not Sexy, Not Positive
by Anna One incident during last weekend’s Porn Festival really made me think. It happened while watching a few scenes from Tristan Taormino’s Rough Sex 2. Great film. You should see it. Anyway, it was a midnight showing, and and several groups of people wandered in late. One group of Germans sat down behind me […]