How much would you pay to see an internationally known sex educator? How far would you travel? What if I told you that you don’t have to leave St. Louis? What if I told you that you could see not one, but two internationally known sex educators? What if I told you that you had […]
Category Archives: shameless grounds
Meet Author Robert Rosen on April 3!
Meet Robert Rosen, author of Beaver Street, next week in St. Louis! He’ll be making appearances at Shameless Grounds and Left Bank Books – see the end of this interview for more details! Q. Many experts such as scientists, journalists and researchers cover what I talk about – sex – in the abstract, and they […]
Ladies Henna Night Feb 3!
I have no tattoos. I’m too fluid for anything permanent. I have pale skin. I am a blank canvas. I love art. My body is a work of art in itself. I love experimenting with temporary body decoration, so I was eager to submit to Jeanjoel Spatafora‘s paintbrush, steady hand, and artistic vision. I booked […]
HypnoGasm: Trisha’s Story
Ed Note: On Monday we interviewed Eric Kendall, hypnotist. On Wednesday we featured Robin’s story. Today is Trisha’s turn! When I first asked Trisha to share her HypnoGasm story, she asked for it to be posted anonymously, which I was happy to do. But a few minutes later, she emailed me again, declaring, “on second […]
HypnoGasm: R’s Story
Ed Note: On Monday we interviewed Eric Kendall, a sex hypnotist. SEX+STL volunteer R shares her very personal experience. I’ve always been interested in hypnosis and I’m also interested in sex, so when I saw that Shameless Grounds was hosting something called “HypnoGasm”, I knew I had to convince my boyfriend it was the perfect […]
Chasing Midori
by David Wraith Note: This is part two of my “I’m in Love with Midori” series. Part one can be read here. If you ask Midori where she lives, she’ll probably tell you that her mail is delivered to San Francisco, but she lives on an airplane. As a full time, traveling sex educator, Midori’s […]
I’m in Love with Midori
by David Wraith I’m not sure when I first became aware of Midori, but I’m sure it was some time in the mid to late 90s. Back then she was known as Fetish Diva Midori. I’m not sure when or why she dropped the “Fetish Diva.” Perhaps like P. Diddy’s “P”, she thought it was […]
The Anti-Pickup Artist
by David Wraith I used to jokingly refer to myself as an “anti-pickup artist.” In my 20s this was meant to symbolize my abject failure with women. I made a fool out of myself chasing women who had no interest in me (to stalkerish proportions), I was clueless about how to flirt and oblivious to […]
Shameless Grounds Cherry Jubilee This Weekend!
A word from our friends at Shameless Grounds regarding this upcoming weekend! I will be there Saturday night, how about you? RSVP here! We here at Shameless Grounds want you to be at our first annual Cherry Jubilee! Gay, straight, trans, kinky, poly, queer or completely vanilla-this is a festival for everyone, from the gathering place […]
Literary Nudes July 17
Literary Nudes is having a special extra nude edition on Sunday, July 17, 7pm, at Shameless Grounds. Proceeds go to Sex Positive St. Louis, so come on out and join the intellectually enlightened nude community! Burlesque performer Sugar Cyanide gives us the lowdown. Kendra Holliday: What is Literary Nudes? Sugar Cyanide: Literary Nudes is a […]