Everybody, everybody, get your bowl on! Join us for (what we honestly believe to be) St. Louis’ first ever Clothing Optional Bowling Party. $20 gets you three hours of clothing optional bowling and/or billiards, shoe rental and free food. Cash bar (no outside beverages, please) Catering By Shameless Grounds Music provided by DJ Shawn Gaston […]
Tag Archives: David Wraith
Active Transportation for Health at Every Size (Part 1 of 2)
Here at Sex Positive St. Louis, from Clothing Optional Meetups to the World Naked Bike Ride, we’re all about body acceptance. So, when I heard that a friend from my undergrad days, personal trainer and mixed martial artist, Tracy Herold, was leading a discussion for TrailNet’s “TrailNet on Tap” series on Active Transportation for Health […]
Active Transportation for Health at Every Size (Part 2 of 2)
This is part two of my interview with martial artist and personal trainer, Tracy Herold, on the Healthy at Every Size movement and TrailNet’s TrailNet on Tap: Active Transportation for Health at Every Size. Part one can be read here. Check out TrailNet on Tap: Active Transportation for Health at Every Size, Wednesday, August 28th at 7pm at Urban Eats Cafe […]
In Honor of World Naked Bike Ride: Nude News from Around the World
by David Wraith Did you know that St. Louis is host to one of the biggest World Naked Bike Ride’s in the country? Well, if you don’t know, now you know. Last week we celebrated Nude Recreation Week with our Bare As You Dare workshop, and now we’re eagerly awaiting the best naked party in […]
Trans Folk Welcome
by David Wraith Most of the time, when Team SEX+ is out and about, it’s at our own events where most people we meet are fellow travelers. The summer months gave us the chance to get out in the community and interact with people who are less familiar with who we are and what we […]
Clothing Optional Pool Party II: The Revenge
by David Wraith You know what they say about summer blockbusters? They demand sequels. Last year’s Clothing Optional Pool Party was such a big hit; we’ve turned it into a franchise! Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water… Coming August 11th at 1pm to a ridiculously huge pool in […]
SlutWalk St. Louis 2012: Big Ups, Mad Props and Sincere Thanks
by David Wraith SlutWalk 2012 was amazing. There are so many people to thank. Our Co-Sponsors: First, to Chip Schloss, Jim Kellogg and everyone at the Atomic Cowboy: Everything we asked for, we got, quickly and courteously. We couldn’t ask for a more supportive venue. Thank you so much! To TransHaven: Claire Swinford, your presentation […]
SEX+STL Discussion Group: Sex-Positive: What Does It Mean?
by David Wraith When we started Sex Positive St. Louis in 2010, some people heard the words “sex” and “positive” put together and assumed we were an organization for people living with HIV. Some suggested that we change the name. We decided early on that the term “sex positive” was so powerful and meaningful that […]
Ownership of My Body
by David Wraith When I was in my 20s and weighed 168 pounds, I couldn’t pay someone to take pictures of me naked. Mostly because I was a college student, working in a video store and didn’t have the money. The strange trajectory of my life has brought me to a place where, as I […]
Queen of Hearts: Naked Dessert Bar
by David Wraith Two things in life that you don’t have to sell are sex and chocolate. They sell themselves; you merely have to offer them. So, you’d think that selling delicious, chocolate-covered desserts off the nearly naked bodies of some of St. Louis’s hottest bloggers and performers would be a no-brainer, right? One question? […]
I Fucked David Wraith: Lee’s Story
by Lee Harrington The first time I went on a date with David, I thought it was going to be a booty call. I had visions of lips on lips (as there had been earlier that night), hips on hips, his cock pumping in and out of me… But yeah, that did not happen. […]
I Fucked David Wraith: Wink’s Story
Editor’s Note: This guest post by my friend and occasional lover, Wink, is the first in the “I Fucked David Wraith” series. Wink and I met at Beat Me in St. Louis and bonded over the fact that we both suffer from panic attacks and are wary of large crowds. by Wink Ever hear the […]