“I’m always strangely delighted by clever book designs that involve the vulva,” says the gay male book designer. There’s something, er, ripe about the vulva that makes clever interpretations so damned engaging. The same simply cannot be said for graphic interpretations of the penis. Aside from Andy Warhol’s Velvet Underground album cover (see the bottom […]
Category Archives: photography
Capturing Your Sexy Self on Film
Or digitally anyway. “X has tagged you in a photo” – is a Facebook link that I never click. I generally hate pictures of myself – my face always seems to be shiny and I’m convinced that I’m fatter with every picture. The idea of having pictures of myself is great, and it’s fun for […]
Minds Wide Open Project
There’s a new photography project in town that is very sex-positive, care to participate? MY photoshoot is tomorrow, and I can’t wait for my truth to be captured in a bold and brave way that I’ve never done before! Here I interview the artist behind the project, Michelle Wagner. Kendra Holliday: Who are you? Michelle […]
Wear Black & White This Wednesday
Sex Positive St. Louis is proud to present: A shot of the toys donated by Spanky’s for the silent auction: Can’t wait to see what everyone is wearing! It will be my first time reading my erotic writing out loud. There will also be readings from Johnny Murdoc, David Wraith, and Elva Maxine Beach. See […]
How Hedonistic? A conversation with artist and event coordinator Drew Digital
Tonight is SEX+STL’s fundraiser and happy hour, How Hedonistic? Growing on what we accomplished two months ago with our 7 Sexy Sins party, How Hedonistic? will have feature the artwork of three different artists, four DJs and an assortment of live nude models for artists to draw! Yesterday, I talked to Chris Worth, this morning […]
How Hedonistic? Artist Profile: Marty Henderson
Tonight is SEX+STL’s fundraiser and happy hour, How Hedonistic? Growing on what we accomplished two months ago with our 7 Sexy Sins party, How Hedonistic? will have feature the artwork of three different artists, four DJs and an assortment of live nude models for artists to draw! Yesterday, I talked to Chris Worth, one of […]
Body Image Talk May 15
Do you ever think badly about your body? We ALL do, men and women alike, and we want to talk about that! Charlotte Times will lead a body image talk this Sunday, May 15 3pm at Shameless Grounds. Behold before and after pictures of Ms. Charlotte: An excerpt from her wildly entertaining blog, The Life […]
Pretty Abstract and Very Loud: St. Louis’s Own Drew Digital
by Johnny Murdoc Drew Thompson (aka Drew Digital) is a 28 year old artist from St. Louis and SEX+STL’s latest collaborator in our quest to foster a sex positive environment in the city. His work brings digital artwork alive in a way that has to be seen to be believed, one that can’t be captured […]
Meet Morpheous March 11-13 at The Facility!
Morpheous is a man of mystery. I’ve been curious about him for years, despite him slipping in and out of St. Louis several times, right under my ignorant nose. I FINALLY sniffed him out and nailed him down. I’m proud to say that I’ll be meeting him in the flesh very soon. You can, too, […]
Body Positive for the New Year
by David Wraith I need to get back in shape. I’m so out of shape that I almost take pride in saying that I need to get back in shape, because the strategic use of the word “back” presupposes that I actually was in shape at one point in my life, while remaining suitably vague […]
Molly Algernon’s Sex Positive Project
By Kendra Holliday An interview with a local artist who has a vision. Will she succeed? That’s up to you! Donate to Molly’s Kickstarter project today! Kendra Holliday: Who are you? Where are you from? Molly Algernon: I am Molly Algernon, or some know me as Miss Omission. I’m Midwest born and raised, originally from […]
Call for Models: The Masculinity Project
Attention St. Louis residents: Photographer Lane Goodman is seeking 12-20 subjects for his fascinating photo project that explores ideas of representation and masculinity. He’s also interested in non-traditional representations of masculinity, and representations of gender identity. In other larger, more liberal cities, photographers have no problem finding interested models for projects like this simply by […]