Blowjob Demo Recap!
The other night Sex Positive St. Louis hosted a blowjob demo. I’ve always wanted to give a demo using a real, live man, instead of a dildo or other prop. The first challenge was finding the right guy for the demo. He had to be someone I liked and trusted, attractive, average-sized, good at receiving […]
Fitting Party at Hustler Hollywood!
Walking into the Hustler Hollywood on Natural Bridge like walking into a less-pink version of Victoria’s Secret — with sex toys. Win and Win! What’s impressed me lately, though, isn’t just the impressive sex toy selection (plenty for men and women!) or their ‘wall ‘o lube,’ but the lingerie. Larry Flynt’s boutique boasts a […]
Sex and the Seriously Ill
Ed Note: This is a guest post written by B, a 55-yr-old man currently fighting a rare form of blood cancer. There is an undeniably strong connection between sex and physical health. People with active sex lives tend to be healthier. If sex, – especially imaginative sex – is part of your life, you’re likely […]
How I Learned to Stop Worrying (and Love the Porn)
In honor of today’s discussion about smut (join us today at The Ethical Society from 11:00 to 1:00!), I’m going to reprint an essay I wrote back in December of 2010. by Johnny Murdoc When I moved in with my partner, I did something unthinkable: I stopped masturbating. Though we’d been sexually active before we […]
Trans Folk Welcome
by David Wraith Most of the time, when Team SEX+ is out and about, it’s at our own events where most people we meet are fellow travelers. The summer months gave us the chance to get out in the community and interact with people who are less familiar with who we are and what we […]

The Ethical Side of Smut
Continuing the discussion started by Kate Lovelady’s “In Defense of Smut,” join The Ethical Society of St. Louis and Sex Positive St. Louis in a discourse about the role smut plays in our lives. How do you use smut? Do you feel guilt about your interaction with smut? Is it possible to integrate smut into […]
A Weekend with Lee Harrington & Mollena Williams
How much would you pay to see an internationally known sex educator? How far would you travel? What if I told you that you don’t have to leave St. Louis? What if I told you that you could see not one, but two internationally known sex educators? What if I told you that you had […]
Hustler Toy Store Tour September 4!
Join SEX+STL Tuesday, September 4 6pm for a FREE special store tour! Hustler Boutique, 9802 Natural Bridge Road, Berkeley, MO. I’m a sex toy EXPERT and I had a sneak preview the other day and it was SO enlightening! I learned about a lot of new toys and products and want to collect them all! […]

The Half the Sky Movement
I am a whore. I am a very happy whore. Specifically, a white, middle-class, healthy, financially comfortable, independent woman who chooses to supplement her income with sex work because I find sex to be very therapeutic and pleasurable and want to share that positivity with others. I think people should be able to choose prostitution […]
A Call for Sluts! – Slut Monologues Seeking Stories
As a proud slut, I wanted to share this message with others: Hello, my name is Joan. I am interested in exploring the possibility of creating a collection of monologues along the lines of the Vagina Monologues, only these would have to do with the notion of “Slut,” i.e., being called a slut, attitudes toward […]
Be a Star in ShowMe!
Be part of St. Louis’ first collection of erotic fiction! You’ve probably heard about ShowMe, Sex Positive St. Louis’ collection of 12 pieces of short erotic fiction. Hot tales featuring places, cultures, and experiences that make life – and sex – in St. Louis unique. This will be the first collection of erotic stories to focus […]
Clothing Optional Pool Party II: The Revenge
by David Wraith You know what they say about summer blockbusters? They demand sequels. Last year’s Clothing Optional Pool Party was such a big hit; we’ve turned it into a franchise! Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water… Coming August 11th at 1pm to a ridiculously huge pool in […]
SlutWalk St. Louis 2012: Big Ups, Mad Props and Sincere Thanks
by David Wraith SlutWalk 2012 was amazing. There are so many people to thank. Our Co-Sponsors: First, to Chip Schloss, Jim Kellogg and everyone at the Atomic Cowboy: Everything we asked for, we got, quickly and courteously. We couldn’t ask for a more supportive venue. Thank you so much! To TransHaven: Claire Swinford, your presentation […]
Tim Supports SlutWalk
Tim Lumpkins is a writer, photographer, printer, and lover of many things geeky. Check out his work at Tim Lumpkins Creative. SlutWalk is Saturday, July 14th.
Courtney Supports SlutWalk
Courtney Armstead is a volunteer with SlutWalkSTL. SlutWalk is Saturday, July 14th.
Emily Supports SlutWalk
Emily Kothe is a blogger and activist. Her alter ego, Ginger Bangalore, is a burlesque performer with the Thunder Kittens. SlutWalk is Saturday, July 14th.
Play Piercing 101
Ed Note: This is a guest post by Courtney, a professional piercer at TRX Studio on S. Grand in celebration of International Body Piercing Day (June 28)! Body piercing has long been used by humans as a way to decorate our skin. Be it to identify ourselves with a group, express our individuality, or to […]
SEX+STL Clothing Optional Weekend June 29th – July 1st
Nude Recreation Week is July 9th – 15th, but here at SEX+HQ, we can’t wait that long, so we’re ending June and kicking off July with a bang! A three day weekend of Clothing Optional events to help you cool off in this hot summer. Bare as You Dare: Radical Body Acceptance, June 29th, 7pm […]
Blue Supports SlutWalk
Blue is an actress, singer, burlesque performer and activist. These days you can see her performing with The Ragged Blade Band. SlutWalk is Saturday, July 14th.
Join Local Comic Shop Star Clipper for A Very Gay, Very Mutant Wedding
Our friends down at Star Clipper Comics want to share news that they’ll be throwing a celebration for the most talked about gay comic wedding (seriously, y’all, it was on The View): Wednesday, June 20th sees the wedding of X-Men Northstar to his human boyfriend Kyle. Star Clipper is going all out, sharing Northstar’s joy […]